100 Shopping days ’til Christmas!

It’s true, we only have 100 days until THE BIG DAY. Don’t tell me that it is too soon to begin thinking about Christmas. It’s just the time to start working on lists and recipes and crafts. Here’s a list of 100 things I have to get done before December 25th.

100. Buy Christmas Socks, wear to work. Wear again to work in April when laundry has not been done in a week.

99. Drink Egg Nog

98. Learn How to wrap presents like an adult and stop lying that The Max wrapped them

97. Visit a mall Santa

96. Carol or at least sing “Last Christmas” by Wham at karaoke night

95. Knit a scarf for someone, a whole scarf without giving up and making yet another washcloth

94. Play in the snow, if by chance there is not snow, drive to Duluth

93. Drink a peppermint latte

92. Bake cookies, freeze cookies, forget they were there until February.

91. Use the threat of Santa at least twice a day for good behavior.

90. Go see any random churches Children’s Christmas pageant, they are all the same and all humorous

89. Buy at least one plush toy that sings when you squeeze it’s paw.

88. See at minimum 5 Rankin Bass specials.

87. Purchase 64 dollars worth of Christmas scented candles and burn them all before Thanksgiving.

86. Wear footed jammies.

85. Buy Christmas cards and address them immediately. Then put them next to the cards from last year still sitting on top the microwave.

84. Eat a Candy Cane

83. Scratch my initials on fake window snow at the grocery store.

82. Make hot chocolate for max after a day of sledding. Use marshmallows. Call them snowman poo.

81. Search youtube for old classic McDonald’s Christmas commercials.

80. Watch the Macy’s parade and freak out when Santa appears.

79. Attend opening night of the Hollidazzle parade.

78. Wear a Santa hat at least once to work.

77. Wear a Grinch hat at least once to work.

76. Search for three hours for a gift for my brother-in-laws, end up giving socks.

75. Buy a tin of tri-flavored popcorn for someone who I know will share.

74. Listen to the XE Christmas jukebox

73. Listen to Delilah.

72. Think about New Years resolutions, and remember that I never make any.

71. Try very hard to resist putting decorations up until after Thanksgiving, crack about the 14th of November.

70. Buy my first ever real tree, being as the old fake tree fell apart last year.

69. Bake Yulekake bread from my great-grandma’s Scandinavian recipe

68. Make popcorn garland

67. Listen to my father’s story about how my great-grandpa took over being Santa Claus.

66. Repeat the story to Max.

65. Bake peanut butter cookies with Hershey’s kisses.

64. Eat them

63. Call my great aunt

62. Become over-amped when the advent calender starts.

61. Celebrate my birthday, love the fact that it’s during the holiday season.

60. Drink some rum and cider.

59. Watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”

58. Wish I was participating in Black Friday, while pouring coffee for customers who are.

57. Buy a poinsettia

56. Read Martha’s December issue…34 times

55. Have Max write Santa a letter.

54. Write Santa one myself

53. Drive at least one place where I have to turn back because of too much snow.

52. Go ice skating

51. Bake a pumpkin pie.

50. lay under the tree and look up at the lights.

49. Take a walk in the snow.

48. Drive around neighborhoods with terrific light displays

47. Pay through the nose for Christmas Break Daycare

46. Buy Mistletoe

45. Eat Little Debbie holiday trees.

44. Vow to only take one peice of Fudge.

43. Take 17.

42. Get stomachache

41. Play boardgames with the family.

40. Sing the twelve days of Christmas, wonder who wanted “French Hens”?

39. But stocking stuffers in Targets dollars bins.

38. Scrape that last bit of mascara from the nearly dried out tube, because Mom will give me mascara in MY stocking.

37. Miss my grandpa and grandma

36. Over dress The Max for social outings, because I was always overdressed for social outings.

35. Receive and love the cards sent to me.

34. Skip work one day to go to the mall.

33. Buy a snappy top to wear to Christmas parties.

32. Watch Chip and Dale climb through the Christmas tree.

31. Hang a wreath on my front door.

30. Drink Jones Holiday Sodas.

29. Regret it.

28. Follow Santa’s Sleigh Sky Watch on the radio.

27. Wish I had a yard to put plastic reindeer

26. Give the bell ringing Santa a buck, maybe more, maybe less.

25. Check out the 25 Days of Christmas show list on the Family Channel, or wherever it is nowadays.

24. Blog at least 16 times about the holidays.

23. Eat prime rib.

22. Hope I am creating as many Christmas memories for Max as my parents did for me.

21. Get some red and green dishes.

20. Make Rudolf ornaments

19. Say HO! HO! HO! at random, on the elevator, when the creepy guy is riding.

18. Clean up non-stop falling needles

17. Dye my hair red and green striped.

16. Make snow angels

15. Sit for an hour at the Christmas porcelain town display and wonder what the little people are doing inside.

14. See a live showing of “A Christmas Carol”

13. Eat more fudge, wash it down with more eggnog…this time spiked.

12. Buy a holiday blend of coffee beans.

11. Watch “Miracle on 34th Street” but only the black and white version.

10. Make a poorly constructed gingerbread house and eat it when it’s still soft.

9. Read Luke Chapter 2

8. Tie red bows on everything

7. Buy max something too expensive, that I know he’ll love

6. Get pictures done for Christmas cards

5. Explain how Santa gets into apartments

4. Buy unshelled mixed nuts

3. Ask my dad what he wants, knowing his response will be “world peace”

2. Love every minute of the season.

1. Crash in a pile of wrapping paper on Christmas night and hope the next 265 days go by really fast.

Excited yet?

About kristiane

killing spiders with my laser eyes.
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14 Responses to 100 Shopping days ’til Christmas!

  1. dohopoki says:

    I’m going to copy paste this and spam the hell out of it from my email server.

  2. jimsmuse says:

    Great list (especially that McD’s commercial – brings back memories!).

    Of course, I’m going to go with the crowd (and the department stores) and wait until Halloween to start posting about Xmas…

  3. Ally says:

    you left out me and korbyn in your Hollidazzle plans… 😦
    and its 98 days til my birthday 🙂

  4. kristiane says:

    doho- am I on that list?
    jimsmuse-yeah, but that cuts down the season to less than two months 😉
    Ally- You and Korbyn ARE my Holidazzle plans.

  5. Saint says:

    Wow, what a great list! There are so many great things here that I’d like to do – but I might wait until 50 days before Christmas and make a shorter list. 😉

  6. Christian says:

    I guess some of those can be done earlier than others. That’s pretty comprehensive, and if you knock off every single item you’ll have to have felt productive when they’re done. Wow.

  7. kristiane says:

    Christian- Yeah, I figured I would post one for each day. Today, I bought candles 🙂 And it’s 80 degrees out.

  8. In10Words aka "Galileo" says:

    Excellent List.

    If it were me, when I’m going “Let’s start doing these!” I check my calendar and it reads “December 26th.”

  9. Oh, and thanks for the comment on the new blog, kb.

  10. squee4242 says:

    If I wasn’t already excited, I would be now!

    This is an amazing list. You are ambitious!

  11. Matt says:

    I love this list, but hate you for making me want Christmas more than Halloween at this exact moment.

  12. kristiane says:

    Galileo- you are welcome!
    Squee- ambitious, maybe, but let’s see how the follow through goes
    matt- I think the fact that i stirred up emotion in you, even hate, was well worth it 😉

  13. Amy says:

    wow. christmas. wow. i’m going to hyperventilate now.

  14. Pingback: Fifty Days Until Christmas! | The Pilver

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